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Digital Marketing: everything you need to know to get started now

Digital Marketing: everything  Companies have already realized how important it is to have a visible presence on the Internet. And to achieve this, it is essential to invest in digital marketing .

We are in a transitional period in the era of digital transformation . Many companies are already considering integrating digital marketing into their organizational structure. Others still do not believe in the need to have a 2.0 presence.

If you have people in your company

who are part of this second group and you need solid arguments to turn the game around, this article can provide truly useful insights .

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6 reasons to invest in digital marketing
A recent study by leading consultants australia telegram data Nielsen Online published a statistical summary of data on Internet usage showing that:

49.5% of the world’s population Digital Marketing: everything  has access to the Internet;

The growth of Internet users between 2000-2016 was 905.5%.

As a company, are you going to miss out on 4. mobile optimization: the smartphone era is here the opportunity to reach these people and do business with them? But there are still a number of other compelling arguments. Check out the following items:

1) The Internet is the fastest growing medium

The Internet is the channel that has grown the most in recent years, more than TV, radio or print media. It is expected to continue to do so. Therefore, any company that wants to continue existing must have a visible and find list effective digital presence .

2) Social media is the ideal channel to talk to your customers
Social media is an excellent environment for connecting with our customers. Users can openly express their opinions on social media, which allows your company to provide efficient customer service.

They are present in users’ daily lives

That’s why it’s important to increase the benefits they offer us.

3) Digital marketing is cheaper than Digital Marketing: everything  conventional marketing
Implementing a digital marketing campaign is less expensive and more flexible than a conventional one. In addition, you can make corrections quickly if you notice that the results are not as expected.

It is important to emphasize

That we are not just talking about the cost of the advertisement itself, but also the content that is broadcast.

Making a TV commercial is much more expensive than preparing a video for a Facebook ad . And the cost of broadcasting is lower and it still allows you to reach exactly the profile of people with whom your company wants to do business. Something that the dispersion of TV today does not yet allow for targeting with such precision.

4) Digital marketing allows content to go viral

When your company produces quality content , you can count on the possibility of it being shared by your community.

Users no longer want to be passively impacted by ads, but want to interact and participate in them.

Therefore, it is essential that your company publishes topics that are relevant to your consumers, in order to anticipate and respond to.


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