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As a result such mini-retail began to bring

The goal of these techniques is to make the process of selling complementary offers as convenient and profitable as possible for both the seller and the buyer.

In general. Upsell does not necessarily

Have to be express. in the phrases of the employees. Some train employees so that they.  uae telegram data like train. monkeys. pronounce a memoriz. phrase that should upsell something.

However. employees do not always r

This is of course better than nothing. but still. if you are doing an Upsell process ti. to a person. then you ne. to convey to him why this is necessary.

So. for one of the prestigious beauty salons in Moscow

It sound. something like this: “For only XXX rubles. we will make the client even happier. His unique hairstyle. perfectly smooth skin and fresh appearance will give him and those around him a better mood. which means this world will become a little better . “

This approach allow. the salon employees to understand why they were offering the client  additional services. From that moment on. they began not just repeating memoriz. words. but consciously offering something else.

After certain trainings. the salon employees start. a conversation not just to chat with the client about life. but also with the goal of understanding the person’s idea so that they could sell him something.

It sounds a little cynical. but it’s business.

Moreover. a room was open. in the beauty salon. where stylists and administrators recommend. buying certain hair care products.  in 40% of the money.  china leads This was not surprising. because it was professional cosmetics that were sold there. and there was not much competition for this type of product.

This is the power of Upsell.

The main rule of the Upsell technique is: “Offer the client only those goods or services that will complement or improve his purchase.”

This is a very important point. Often I see how a person who bought an iPhone is offer.  understand what judicial recovery is and learn about its business impacts to buy another tablet. a camera or even a laptop. I personally saw how salespeople of one of my clients tri. to sell a MacBook to a person who had just bought an iPhone.


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