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Affiliation or membership in an association

Article 4 of the GDPRspeaks of the assignment of a person: to an identifier such as a name. The an identification number. The location data. The an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical. The physiological. The genetic. The mental. The economic. The cultural or social identity of that natural person.

Classically these include

Account details and general financial dataOnline bahrain mobile database data such as IP address or email address location data personal data. The including personnel numberbiometric data (such as facial recognition scans or video recordings)
Health data or stor fingerprints (e.g. record in the latest identity card) The GDPR therefore covers all data that can be clearly assign. And so physical data. The such as appearance. The also counts as personal data.

In addition

The there are issues such as nationality or religious the future of advertising in france: the rise of programmatic video affiliation or membership in an association.

With anonymiz data. The the person concern is neither identifi nor identifiable.
Or when originally personal data has been anonymiz to such an extent that identification is no longer possible.
In that case. The it is not consider personal data.
This is the case. The for example. The in a political election.

But be careful:

So-call pseudonymiz data are consider personal data as soon as
additional knowlge is available that could be us to assign the data back to the original person.

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Expansion of the term through technical developments
The ongoing development of data analysis and AI ek leads t echnologies increases the possibilities for identifying people.
This means that more data can be classifi as personal in the future.

The most modern technologies can already recognize complex patterns in large data sets and use them to establish connections that were not previously obvious. For example. The machine learning can reconstruct an identity from apparently anonymous data. Keyword: algorithm .

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