Content Marketing has been garnering a lot of attention lately, but what exactly is it?
Content Marketing is a marketing technique that involves creating and distributing valuable and relevant content consistently, aiming to attract c level contact listContent Marketing and “acquire” a carefully defined audience. Our goal is to achieve profitable actions from our prospective customers, converting them into leads and then into our customers.
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Think about it!
What good is having tons of content if it what is android without gms? doesn’t “catch” anyone’s attention enough to engage with it?
This begs the next question:
How can you gain the attention of search engines, but also attract visitors who are truly interested in your content?
The answer is simple: by creating unique content that is worth their attention!
The 3 stages of content marketing
Learn everything about your audience
As you know very well, you are targeting a Content Marketing specific audience and it would be a good idea to spend some time getting to know them better. First identify the topics that interest your “buyer personas” and then create unique content, bz lists targeted to their needs.
This content should solve a problem that your audience has, educating them appropriately, so that in the end they can form an informed opinion regarding what they are looking for.
One way to define your buyer personas is to start by identifying your existing customers. Create a “standard audience” for each category based on: name, position/role in the company, sector of the business, demographics, etc. and try to write a short description for each profile.
This will allow you to answer questions such as:
- “What is their greatest need?”
- “What content is my audience interested in?”
- “What problems is he trying to solve?”
Knowing your buyer personas is the most basic stage of Content Marketing because this knowledge will guide you in creating appropriate content. Content that is not based on what your company specializes in but on what your audience is interested in.