- Economic aspects play a fundamental role in society. Therefore, values and morals should not be ignored here
- Fairness and transparency in B2B Ethische Aspekte communication as well as protection of privacy are fundamental values that build trust and should be observed by B2B companies
- It is not economically sustainable to talk about good things but not do them
- If B2B companies invest in a holistic sustainability concept, then this is a sustainable investment in the company itself
Ethics & Morality as the Center of B2B Online Marketing
Marketing ethics deals with questions about moral values and the social responsibility of advertisers. This includes, for example, actual advertising measures. These can be sensationalist or misleading B2B campaigns or marketing measures for russia number data unsafe or environmentally harmful products.
If B2B companies only focus on achieving Ethische Aspekte higher profits with massive advertising budgets, it can seem that financial success comes at the expense of values. Trust in the B2B company can fall by the wayside. In addition to the classic goals of B2B marketing, it is therefore essential to keep the focus on communicating the company’s values. For example, commitment to fair working conditions, fair trade and environmentally friendly products can be communicated with appropriate B2B marketing measures via the website or social media channels.
Ethical Guidelines for B2B Companies: Dos and Don’ts
In order to demonstrate how B2B companies how have your campaigns on instagram evolved over time? can act ethically and reflect this in their online marketing measures, it is helpful to consider the other side and identify unethical behaviors:
- False (exaggerated or false) product Ethische Aspekte comparisons to differentiate yourself from the competition
- Exaggerations to make a product or service seem better than it actually is
- Claims without scientific, well-founded and provable justification
- stereotyping and discrimination
- depictions of violence, trivialization of bullying, etc.
- Children in marketing campaigns must remain children
Conversely, we have defined three basic book your list ethical guidelines that B2B companies can anchor directly in their everyday digital life, i.e. their online communication, for example in their social networks.
1. Fairness and respect as anchors in B2B online communication
All statements and actions are made by people in accordance with their value system – for example in social networks. This must be respected. Likewise, user data may only be used for the purposes that were originally conveyed. Attacks or emotional Ethische Aspekte statements can quickly trigger a dynamic of unimaginable proportions and develop into a “shitstorm”. B2B companies should always strictly adhere to the motto: “think before you post”.
2. Take responsibility for B2B online communication and be honest
As a communicator, every B2B company assumes responsibility for the content of a statement. For example, responsibility for the dynamics in social networks is shared among everyone who participates. Companies should therefore always adhere to the principle of “think before you share” and not create a “media illusion”.
3. Clear rules as a guide in B2B online communication
Clear rules and instructions should be defined as a guide for the employees of a B2B company. This defines the scope for maneuver and sets it down in guidelines or netiquettes. In addition, strategies should be developed to define, for example, how to deal with rudeness on online channels without losing the appropriate tone. Key points: openness and honesty.
By adhering to ethical aspects and guidelines, trust in your B2B company, i.e. in products and services, can be strengthened. By increasing the quality of relationships with customers and business partners, B2B companies can also gain a competitive advantage. However, it is not economically sustainable to talk about good things but not do them. This also falls within the scope of a B2B company’s corporate social responsibility: only companies whose marketing and business practices are ethical can benefit in the long term from the loyalty and trust of their customers.
Consequently, B2B companies have a duty to actually take responsibility towards society and the environment and to integrate these values into their everyday actions.