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Highlight important things and draw attention

Highlight the most important parts of your B2B mailing to draw your recipients’ attention to these aspects. For example, buttons can be designed so that they immediately catch the eye of B2B decision-makers. Highlight important things Depending on which pages you would like to direct your recipients to, you can design different links differently.

It is important that you choose a few specific aspects to which you want to draw the attention of your B2B decision-makers. Otherwise, the mailing can quickly appear overloaded.

The text as a central design element

Design and text go hand in hand. That’s why it’s important to use the right wording. The subject line is the flagship and determines the success australia number data of a B2B mailing. It should show briefly and concisely what kind of transactional email it is. Ideally, it should also make it clear that the email is from your company. It could look like this: “XY says thank you!”

In the mailing itself, the same rules apply to the text as to the design: less is more. Make sure to use short, simple sentences and reduce the information to the most relevant.

One of the most important aspects of a successful B2B transactional mailing is personalization. Mailings that address the recipient facebook account but use the platform less personally perform better than mailings without personalization. Highlight important things You can also name your recipients in the subject line and increase your chances of success.



With the right tools, your B2B transactional emails can be designed to be particularly effective. The most important basic rule is: less is more. In book your list order to make the most of the short attention span of your B2B decision-makers, the most important information must be packaged in the best possible way. A personal approach also increases the chances of success of your B2B transactional email.

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