Her family nees to eat. If she has an easier way to prepare nutritious, tasty meals, then she will be showing her family that she loves them. My ideal buyer hates to shop for clothes in stores. But she nees to look good when she has video conferences with clients. Looking professional helps elevate her status as a virtual assistant. If she purchases my clothing online, she will have professional attire that is comfortable yet stylish. My ideal team member is a work from home mom who had a professional career before having children. She loves staying home with her family but misses the feeling of accomplishment, confidence, and status that she enjoye when she worke outside the home.
That resonates with your ideal buyer
If she starts her own direct sales business, she will put her skills to use and once again have that feeling of accomplishment that she craves. You can see that once you are clear on who you are speaking to, it becomes easier to craft a message. Brand Colombia Email List Yourself You’re clear on your buyer persona. Now it’s time to get clear on who you are and how you can set yourself apart from others in your company and your industry. Answer these questions to create your brand: Who does your target buyer aspire to be? Who influences you and what draws you to them? What do you want people to feel when they read your content or view your images online.
That you can use in your images
What are three objects that you love that people will come to associate with you? What colors create the mood you want people to feel when they KHB Directory see your brand? that works with your corporate brand’s imagery? Website/Blog Your direct sales company will provide you with a replicate website from which customers can make purchases. It’s the same as every other representative’s corporate site.