Every company needs to pay attention to the tax and legal obligations that are inherent to the business. After all, regulatory bodies need to understand the company’s situation in order to combat irregularities and financial and tax problems with the Government.
And it is no different among MEIs. Every year, there is one requirement that stands out from the others: the Annual Declaration of the Individual Microentrepreneur (MEI) . This obligation is the most important registration for entrepreneurs within this modality.
That’s why we’ve created a complete guide on the MEI declaration, highlighting the steps needed to fulfill this tax obligation in a simple and efficient way , as well as other issues inherent to the process. Keep reading to learn more!
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What is the MEI annual declaration?
The MEI annual declaration, known as DASN-SIMEI (Annual Declaration of the Simples Nacional for the Individual Microentrepreneur) , is a mandatory singapore whatsapp number data for all Individual Microentrepreneurs (MEIs) in Brazil.
This statement is to inform the Federal Revenue Service of the income earned throughout. The previous year, as well as the company’s expenses and gross revenue . Every individual microentrepreneur is to submit the MEI statement in order to avoid problems with the tax authorities.
The Federal Revenue Service imposes a maximum deadline, usually until May 31st of each year, for sending the documentation . This deadline also coincides with the delivery of the Corporate Income Tax .
In this declaration, the entrepreneur must inform all data relating to his/her business activities, including gross revenue, expenses, income and other information relevant to taxation.
However, in case of delays or errors, it is possible to send a MEI amended declaration to the IRS.
What is a MEI rectifying declaration?
The MEI declaration is one sent black friday: how to increase revenue for small and medium businesses in 2023 the deadline by the Federal Revenue Service for the original declaration.
It is when the entrepreneur realizes that he has betting email list an error. Omission in the original declaration , whether due to a mistake in the amounts reported or due to forgetting some relevant information.