Is your content contagious

The word “Contagious” often conjures images of sickness and other problems that you don’t want to be around, but in the world of digital marketing, “Contagious” is definitely a positive adjective to describe your content. So how do you make your banner or video ads something that viewers want to share with their friends or colleagues?

A new infographic from Is your content  suggests that marketers consider the following factors to develop contagious content:

Emotion – whether it’s joy, sadness, anger or humor, content that evokes deep emotional responses will have people talking.
Narrative – your content will be discussed more when there is a compelling story behind it.
Observability – banner ads don’t necessarily need to be outlandish or intrusive, but they need to be visible. The design elements of your content need to stand out and encourage the viewer’s curiosity.

Social currency  consumers are more likely to share information

That makes them look special or feel like an insider. Consider a marketing strategy that gives your audience a sense of exclusivity.
Triggers – daily reminders can influence the choices that people make. Linking your product or service to activities that people engage in everyday phone lists Is your content  can boost your exposure.
Value – does your content offer the viewer anything? The more useful your ad or video is, the more likely it will be seen by individuals outside of your targeted audience.
Improving marketing content is not something that small businesses have to do alone. Entrepreneurs that partner with keymedia solutions can learn about how they may benefit from small business online marketing.
Entrepreneurs and small business owners know that every dollar spent on their operation must be meaningful. One of the most expensive parts of getting your business off the ground is marketing, which puts business owners in a tough place. How can you spend money to bring in more customers, when you don’t already have customers who are spending money.

Fortunately the marketing sphere has changed significantly over the past decade

No longer are radio, television and direct mail your only (and extremely expensive) options for reaching your target audience. Today, online marketing solutions offer cost-effective method for increasing your brand presence.

In a post on business2community.Com, digital marketing consultant nicole beachum compared the cost of traditional and digital marketing concepts, offering the following estimates:

Beachum noted that the above costs do KHB Directory not take into account the amount of money you may spend producing this content.

Most small business owners can agree Is your content  that it doesn’t make much sense to spend tens of thousands of dollars on advertising content when they really don’t have the funds to do so. Additionally, in an age when people spend more time in front of computer and mobile device screens than they do in front of a television, it may be wise to reach an audience through a digital medium.

“At the end of the day, getting customers (or investors) in the door is key to the success of any small business,” beachum wrote. “In order to do that, startups have to get the most bang for their buck – while also being willing to spend money on marketing to reach their target audience.”

To learn more about how targeted internet marketing could improve their prospects, small business owners should consider working with keymedia solutions.

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