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How to issue a single invoice in SP: complete step-by-step guide

Issuing an invoice is part of the routine of companies, regardless of their size or sector of activity . Therefore, it is essential that entrepreneurs know the possibilities and adopt good practices for issuing the document.

The individual invoice can be used to document the sale of products or provision of services without recurrence. In this way, it formalizes the receipt of amounts, both by individuals (self-employed or liberal professionals) and legal entities, such as MEIs.

Although the Nota Fiscal Avulsa SP no longer exists , there are other ways to issue invoices in the state and maintain regularity with tax obligations. Below, we will go into more detail about issuing invoices, explaining what the NFA is and other particularities of the document.

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What is a single invoice?

Like other invoices, the NFA is a document poland whatsapp number data proves commercial transactions . However, in this case, it is for sporadic transactions .

In other words, it is ideal for companies or professionals that have a low volume of issuance or that are not to issue tax documentation.

It is individually, and is b2b marketing – how letalk can help you with sales for entrepreneurs. who do not contribute to ICMS, or who are not to issue invoices when making a sale (such as Individual Microentrepreneurs).

The NFA or NFA-e (the electronic version) prove the sale of products or the provision of low-eventuality services . In other words, if there is no high volume of transactions that occur between the service provider/owner of the establishment and the company.

What is the difference between an NFA and an invoice?

Individual invoices have the same legal betting email list as other types of invoices, but they may have different purposes . In other words, they may be for services, products, returns, etc., depending on the company’s needs.

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