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Learn about the 12 types of intelligence that exist, their characteristics and how they influence human behavior

Intelligence is one of the most valued characteristics by all people, however, did you know that there are different types of intelligence?

A person is not capable of being competent in all areas. This is because each person has different types of intelligence that are reflected in different skills .

An example of this is the student who can get the highest grade on a math test without much effort. But is unable to express himself correctly with spontaneity, or tries hard to dance well but has no rhythm.

The different types of intelligence give different abilities to each person .

Finding out what your strengths are is essential for you to understand what you can do better with greater skill and proactivity . This way, you can obtain greater personal satisfaction in the activities you do if you understand what you can do better.

Knowing what your innate abilities are will also allow you to work harder on those in which you are not as skilled and thus you will be able to develop them more and more.

What is the theory of multiple intelligences and who coined it?

The concept of Multiple Intelligences uae telegram data emerged in 1983 thanks to the studies of Howard Gardner.

Gardner was a psychologist, scholar and professor at Harvard University who devoted himself to researching human cognitive abilities.

Through his studies he came to the conclusion that each individual can have different types of intelligence that can be grouped into 12 different types.

What are the 12 types of intelligence?


1. Linguistic-verbal intelligence

This intelligence is what allows color schemes and typography people to communicate easily .

It can be sign language, verbal language or written language. This type of intelligence will facilitate communication whatever it may be.

Mastery of language, regardless of the type, is the main characteristic of this type of intelligence.

Those who possess linguistic-verbal intelligence are usually dedicated to languages, writing, oratory or communication in general. Content producers have this intelligence well developed.

2. Logical-mathematical intelligence

This type of intelligence gives the person find list who possesses it the ability to solve mathematical problems , giving them logical and deductive reasoning. In addition, it provides the individual with the skills to perform calculations with ease.

Contrary to popular belief, mathematical reasoning can be applied in a wide variety of areas. This is why this skill was once considered an essential requirement for being “intelligent.”

People who possess this type of intelligence are usually physicists, mathematicians or scientists.

3. Spatial intelligence

Spatial intelligence allows us to observe the world and objects from different perspectives through creativity .

Individuals who possess this type of intelligence are able to easily create their own mental images .

These skills are usually associated with people belonging to the artistic world, such as photographers, visual artists, architects, designers and advertising professionals .

4. Musical Intelligence

Those who possess this type of intelligence have ease with music and sounds.

You may even have the innate ability to create your own melodies, learn to play various instruments, and learn to read pieces of music.

5. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence

This example of the types of intelligence allows the individual to have total control over his own body , controlling each of his movements in detail.

With bodily-kinesthetic intelligence it is possible to have full bodily coordination and the dexterity to handle complex tools.

Athletes and dancers possess this type of intelligence.

6. Intrapersonal Intelligence

Intrapersonal intelligence allows humans the ability to understand their own emotions.

They have an easy time understanding themselves , they have great self-control and a high capacity for meditation.

7. Interpersonal Intelligence

Interpersonal intelligence allows individuals to perceive the desires, moods, and intentions of the people around them.

He has the ability to capture non-verbal information transmitted by the interlocutor.

A very useful feature for those who work with sales .

8. Naturalistic Intelligence

This type of intelligence allows humans to have greater sensitivity in everything related to nature.

People who possess this type of nature are usually biologists, veterinarians, farmers, botanists, aromatherapists, etc.

9. Existential Intelligence

Existential intelligence gives the ability to continually question existence .

People who possess it are analytical and constantly philosophize about life, death and human psychology. It is related to spirituality, but goes beyond it.

They are usually philosophers and thinkers.

10. Creative Intelligence

This type of intelligence is found in people who have new ideas all the time . They tend to be creating not only things, but also innovative ways of carrying out different activities.

Those who possess this type of intelligence tend to have new ideas in the most diverse areas, both in their personal and professional lives.

Creative intelligence is quite useful for those who work with all kinds of creation. You can imagine how useful it is for entrepreneurs and those who work with digital marketing , right?

11. Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence allows the individual to have greater emotional well-being, thanks to the self-control, stress reduction and self-motivation that the person possesses.

People with this type of intelligence have the ability to work under pressure without any problem and know how to manage their social skills very well.

This is why it is a very useful feature for sales professionals .

12. Collaborative Intelligence

Collaborative intelligence gives its possessor the ability to work successfully in a team . Goals can be achieved easily by working together.

This individual has the ability to be part of a group and integrate into it.

This type of intelligence is highly valued in today’s business world.

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