Ability to say Hi, this text has recently been update – you can read it safely!”. update old content Updating old posts is a very good practice. It’s hard to find an SEO and user experience guide that doesn’t cover this topic. Why? The answer is very simple: updating content benefits both bots and users. As I mentione in the previous subsection, Google can rank a given subpage higher. This may be due to an increase in valuable, longer content. Users on the other hand, simply get the latest information. Readers can see that you care about them and want to provide the most relevant content possible. This is extremely important. However, I think it is worth mentioning a certain type of content that does not lose its value over time. I’m talking about evergreen content.
Examples of such buttons can be found
Use the share buttons You can’t create shareable content if you don’t provide users with effective tools to do so. They include buttons to share Latvia Email List content. for example, in this blog article. They are in two places: at the top of the message and on the side of the screen. In the mobile version, these buttons change their position and “stick” to the bottom ege of the workspace. If you want to have this type of buttons on your website and also use.
Use appropriate headings
WordPress, your task is much easier. One of the most popular (free) social meia plugins is Simple Share Buttons Adder. I recommend it with a clear KHB Directory conscience. Headings are mentione in this SEO and User Experience Guide for two reasons. Yes, you are thinking right. and the second is the benefit to search engine bots. That is, like many other issues mentione earlier in this text. Headings are implemente with ‘h’ tags.