This leads us to the five Kolsquare tips for optimizing your IRM, which we will now look at in more detail. But first, speaking of optimization: Have you ever thought about an influencer marketing platform to support the right KOL your IM? Satisfied customers recommend Kolsquare on the OMR review page , a “platform for online marketing the right KOL makers.” Teamlead Influencer Marketing at Performance Marketing Agency Stephanie writes : “Influencer marketing is now indispensable.” Practical, time-saving, helpful!”
No matter what type of collaboration cameroon whatsapp data you are looking for or what type of influencers (nano, micro or macro influencers) you choose, who customers associate with your brand is essential.
Therefore, be the right KOL careful when searching for your KOL and manage your research in a cost- and resource-saving manner: Perhaps one influencer doesn’t have time right now but doesn’t rule out working together at a later date, or the other influencer has already the right KOL declined twice and no longer wants to be contacted by you – you want to keep an eye on all of this. Kolquare allows you to assign a specific tag to each of your KOLs and thus keep an overview and the upper hand over your communication.
Finding the right influencers can be increase your engagement with a digital content provider difficult. Start with your brand’s values and marketing goals: This is how you find the right KOL for your next influencer marketing campaign , for example on TikTok or Instagram .
Transparent and authentic communication is IRM tip 2
Once you have identified the right influencers, the first step is to make contact. It will come as no surprise that popular KOLs with a high reach and engaged audience receive more than one inquiry. Consequently, they need to stand out from the crowd (of competitors).
So make sure you use a friendly, professional tone. Authenticity and personalization are also important . In addition to the content, the channel also plays a role. What is your preferred medium? On which social network do you want to launch the campaign?
Of course, you can also contact book your list KOL directly via email. To do so, use the Kolsquare extension, which allows synchronization with the Gmail address on the platform.
IRM Tip 3: Everyone pulls together
Everything is always a give and take. This applies to both internal and external communication. First, improve collaboration internally. Structure and organize the work in the marketing team through shared tasks, shared calendars and regular communication . Are your employees satisfied with their tasks? What ideas, wishes and suggestions do they have?
While you can of course demand something from your KOLs, you must also make sure that you accommodate them enough. Treating each other fairly is of course out of the question, but you must keep your influencers happy. The competition never sleeps.
Make influencers feel valued. This works best through regular communication. Of course, the odd gift doesn’t hurt to reward or motivate KOLs. But be sure to read the basics of free gifting on the Kolsquare blog.