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The second similar area is network marketing

What do we do when we hear from someone that he works in the field of network marketing? Usually we immediately understand that we should keep our ears open with this person, because now he will tell us about miracle powders that wash out used oil in ice water.

I have nothing against network marketing

But the philosophy of most MLM companies is to attract as many people as possible, among whom there will certainly be some soft-hearted people who will find it difficult to refuse a salesperson.

It so happens that I often have to communicate with

Representatives of network  usa telegram data companies. Do you know why most networkers cannot earn more than a few thousand rubles a month? The reason is the same. They do not know how to understand needs. They again foist toothbrushes, shampoos, tablets and other nonsense, instead of understanding how to help a person.

The problem with this approach is obvious

After the purchase, the person will feel a certain deception. Not immediately, but after some time, he will realize that the jacket does not fit him so well, the toothpaste of dubious quality is not much different in price  china leads from what is sold in pharmacies, and the miraculous dietary supplements do not cure all diseases, as they were promised.

It is the race for new customers to sell something to that is ruining their business strategy.

Now imagine that you offer an learn how to make a collection ruler and see the flow model  Upsell that a person doesn’t really need, but due to discounts, various restrictions and other tricks, he will buy it from you. What will happen next? And then he will understand that he was given something unnecessary as a bonus. And even having sold him a product that solves his problems, Upsell will simply destroy the good attitude towards you.

I gave these examples for a reason. I gave them just so that you understand that Upsell is not just a memorized phrase, but a conscious offer that will add money to your cash register, and the client will receive an additional solution to his problem.

That is why you should offer a case with your iPhone, an interior cleaning with an oil change in your car, and a printer and antivirus with your computer.

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