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TikTok regiert die (Social-Media) Welt: Auch im B2B?

Among the typical and now “classic” social media channels, TikTok has become indispensable. With its 800 million users worldwide, TikTok is considered the network with the most users in 2020. But does TikTok regiert die also fit into the B2B industry? And if so, how? We will explore these questions in this article.

  • Short videos go viral thanks to a special algorithm
  • popularity of the app among Generation Z
  • added value for recruiting and employer branding campaigns
  • Interest targeting as a push for the brand

TikTok? What is it actually?

More and more brands are jumping on belize number data this bandwagon, as it is now considered a “must” in the industry to have a profile on TikTok regiert die. On the video-sharing platform, short videos of up to 15 seconds are edited and shared with effects, filters and music. As on Facebook and Instagram, you can follow, like and comment. However, there is a big and crucial difference in the algorithm: on the “For You Page” (FYP for short), which is the feed homepage, in other words, not only posts from users you follow are shown, compared to IG.

You enter a selection of topics that you like, you like and comment here and there, you follow users who are dedicated to certain niches – and the algorithm knows which videos from all over the world are shown on your personal FYP. To ensure that you don’t miss any trends, the most popular videos are also mixed in.

Another extremely positive thing is that TikTok doesn’t follow the motto “the more recent, the better”. The videos here have a long lifespan. They are social media content provides an excellent opportunity to get to know your audience played until the positive response wanes. This means that even a 2-year-old video can get a “push” and be put back into “circulation”.

Who does TikTok regiert die appeal to & does it have potential in B2B?

There is no doubt that the app is popular with the so-called Generation Z. Younger target groups between 16 and 24 are perfectly addressed, especially in B2C sectors. But the social network also has a lot of potential in the B2B sector – even if that book your list doesn’t seem to fit together at first glance. The key: the right content formats that are suitable for B2B companies. Insurance companies and banks in particular are following the trend – because on TikTok, even more complex topics are presented in an exciting and relaxed way.

TikTok is particularly popular with Generation Z

What types of content are there?

Challenges :

Participate in certain tasks or choreographies. Brands and companies use popular and frequently used hashtags, for example, and call for a challenge in which users produce a specific piece of content and add this hashtag.

Influencer Marketing:

A protagonist takes over the channel and produces videos that are intended to bring the brand closer to the user. This can be the managing director (corporate influencer) or, for example, a well-known YouTuber from the industry who has the same target group – a craftsman for an online shop with craft accessories.

In-Feed Ads:

Ads that can be placed like on other social media channels (payment models: CPC, CPM, CPV).

Branded Lenses:

Branded lenses are so-called effect filters. They are used by users and thus spread further.

Brand takeover:

When you open the app, a video or animation is shown for a few seconds, which you cannot skip. However, this is relatively expensive.

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