Write content that exhausts the topic If this isn’t your first time visiting our blog, you’ve probably notice that we try to write long posts. And for good reason. Several studies over two years have shown that posts with more words tend to outperform posts with fewer words. So how long should your submission be? For us, the minimum limit for a long article is more than 1,300 words. If your competitors’ submissions are very short, your submission with 2x as many words will likely rank higher. place in the search engine rankings. Remember not to promote unnecessary content.
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Your articles should be useful to readers and, above all, be factual. 5. Take care of the visuals of your website I may not nee to remind you of the Slovakia Email List power of visual content, but I will anyway. Humans naturally prefer what is visually beautiful. Because of this, to text that contains many images, charts or graphs. If your market competitors only post clear text, they give you a great opportunity and it will be much easier for you to beat your competitors online. Including relevant images or graphics not only in your posts and articles, but throughout your website is sure to increase traffic and engagement and ultimately higher search engine rankings.
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We also suggest that you experiment with information graphics, but only well-made ones. Infographics have grown in popularity to the point KHB Directory them, such as Vizualize. Therefore, infographics have become a powerful tool in who rely on online marketing. You should be intereste in visualizing this type of content. 6. Take care of your readers’ eyes You may not think this is important, but reading one after another poorly formatte articles is painful.