Rich content is an important part of any company’s content marketing strategy . A blog with frequent,
comprehensive and in-depth posts is great for attracting visitors and driving traffic.
Rich content, then, is extensive and in-depth educational content that has the ability to add value and
increase brand authority on the topic.
The most common rich materials are e-books, but there are other types, such as complete, step-by-
step guides, and even essentially graphic content (such as infographics) or tools ( Email Subject Line
Generator , Buyer Persona Generator , for example). In general, rich materials are the best way to
generate and nurture leads at different stages of the marketing and sales funnel .
More and more companies are looking for good copywriters to write them. And, considering that rich
materials require more attention and work than ordinary writing, those who know how to deal with
such content gain more recognition.
That’s why it’s important to know how to create truly rich material. To help you do this well, we’ve got
some tips on how we do it here.
Discover them!
Write about something you know very well
If you are a freelance writer, the advice is netherlands telegram data to only accept assignments that
you feel confident writing about, i.e. only if you have sufficient knowledge about the subject matter.
You’ve probably already read a text to learn something new, but you were disappointed by how
superficial it was. So, remember that the readers of your rich material may have the same thought.
Those who download rich materials have usually already read publications and other materials
beforehand, so they are looking for deeper information.
Of course, you don’t need to be a world authority on the subject, but if it’s about a topic you’ve never
read about, the task will be much more difficult, it will take you a long time to learn about it, and it may end up being unprofitable.
Do good research
It doesn’t matter if you are an expert gen z is turning this ceo’s business model upside down on the
subject, when producing rich material it is important to do good research to ensure that the content is
as current and user-friendly as possible. New developments and trends emerge daily and the
discussion promoted on these topics is very important.
If you use the production of rich material as a means of establishing authority, be original at all times
. Content of this type cannot be simply a recycling of other content, so it is important that it adds new
knowledge to the reader.
So when researching your topic, keep an eye out for potential unexplored avenues – they can be a
great draw for your material.
Golden tip: To enrich your research, go beyond Google and also look for videos of courses, seminars,
conferences, specific social networks, personal profiles and other free materials.
Know your audience (and your customer)
It’s essential to know who you’re find list writing for before you start writing. A quick research on the company and initial knowledge of the person for whom the material is intended can help you plan ahead.
If the company is a major reference in the market and its readers have basic knowledge of the subject, your research will have to be more extensive.
After accepting the assignment, it is important to do a little more research on who commissioned the material, what other materials they have, the level of formality of the text, what tone they usually adopt in their communication, and also about the person, to know what kind of examples and storytelling you can use in the text.
Remember that every company has a culture and an identity, and the copywriter’s job is to assume them when writing text for the web.
Create a good index and structure
Rich materials have a special, different concept, that’s why they have that name. The best way to ensure that is to start with the structure of your material , that is, writing its index and summarizing each chapter in one or two sentences.
The most illustrative example is this post you are reading now. Before starting, I developed the following structure:
- Introduction: what rich materials are and what they are used for.
- Write about what you know: materials cannot be superficial.
- Research: updating knowledge and finding unexplored content opportunities.
- Client and persona: tone, maturity, etc.
- Index and structure: ensure beginning – middle – end.
- Let’s get to work: tips for writing.
- Review of the material: importance and suggestions.
- Conclusion and call to action.
You may have noticed that the topics are almost identical to the subheadings, but that is not a rule. When creating the structure, I was interested in emphasizing more on making a guide for myself than thinking of the exact words I would use.
Following the rule of dividing and conquering, after having structured the topics, it is recommended to separate each of them into subtopics, to help structure the chapter also into beginning, middle and end. For example, I divided the topic of client and persona in the following way:
- Quick research before accepting the assignment;
- Mature businesses/readers will demand more research;
- Know the previous content published by the client: tone, formality, among other things;
- Do not use examples that readers will not be familiar with.
If you compare the structure with what I wrote, you will see how easy it is to transform topics into paragraphs of running text. Try doing the same and see how this can help your posts and rich materials.
Good material serves to solve a problem or satisfy a reader’s curiosity. It therefore ensures that its structure covers one of these two topics.
Guide to the Perfect Text
Download the ebook and learn about persuasion techniques!
It’s time to write your material
Once you have defined the structure of your material, it is time to develop the ideas of each topic and subtopic. It is possible that, during writing, you prefer to rearrange the chapters a little, emphasizing some more than others, and that is perfectly normal. It only ensures that the text resolves the reader’s real concerns.
For example, if you are using an acronym or an unknown word, make sure that the first time it appears in the text it is accompanied by an explanation of its meaning.
When writing, remember not to be superficial, feel free to go into relevant details and explain them precisely. If possible, present good examples and success stories to illustrate each topic .
Unless it’s a very conceptual topic, you’ll need to offer practical examples, as these are essential teaching resources that help the reader really understand what’s being said.
Keep a good balance between the size of each chapter. If one of them starts to get too long, consider splitting it into two; if one is too short, consider merging it with another one that is also short.
When making these changes, be careful to maintain cohesion. The important thing is that each chapter contains within itself an idea that is relevant to the material as a whole, as this gives meaning to the reading.
Another important point, and one that makes all the difference for an experienced writer, is the optimization of rich materials through formats. When you are writing, highlight ideas and concepts that are most important for the understanding of the material.
So, think of impactful phrases and highlight them in your text formatting. Small blocks of text, such as reminders, tips, and call-to-action points, can also create a visual impact, ensuring that the main points are understood.
In fact, with this practice you will help the diagrammer himself to understand what is most important in your idea.
Carefully review what you wrote.
Many freelancers’ jobs include writing and proofreading material, so it is important to prepare in advance for proofreading. Even if proofreading is not mandatory, the most reputable writers on the market are those whose texts do not require much inspection.
An organized freelance writer schedules himself to finish writing before the deadline , so that he can revise the content without rushing. Ideally, there should be a pause between the end of writing and the beginning of revision; this occurs because the mental framework for revision resembles the eyes of a reader.
To do this, your brain needs to finish assimilating the avalanche of information acquired with the production of the content, and then return to the text as if you were reading it for the first time.
Even if your freelance work doesn’t include proofreading , remember that your name will always be associated with the work you deliver and it’s important to protect your reputation. You know what you’re doing! Find some time for proofreading before you deliver.