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What does marketing include?

Throughout the text I have talked about needs, desires, value and satisfaction, as words specific to the definition of marketing.

However, it should be noted that beyond defining the expression, these are words that must also be understood independently to better understand the previous points:


It is a state of tension that is caused poland telegram data when there is no balance between what is needed and what is available. They are normally linked to the physical state of the organism. They are not created, they are inherent to people.


Once the need is translated into specific objects as a form of satisfaction , desire arises. Unlike need, desire can be created through marketing proposals.


It is when desire meets the ability to acquire.


This concept refers to the relationship history of tnt logo changes that a customer establishes with respect to the benefits received from the offer and the costs of the offer. Closely related to the concept of satisfaction .


The brand is a set of aspects, feelings find list and experiences that the audience has created or had thanks to the products or services that the company offers.

They are differentiating effects that separate you from competitors and that transmit values ​​and principles, from their design to their communication actions.

The brand itself has inherent aspects that build it. These are:

  • Logo : is the graphic design element that represents the brand and is a fundamental part of its marketing strategies.
  • Design : This has to do with visually projecting and finding ways to transmit the message and purpose of the brand. In turn, it is applicable to the logo, the product, advertising campaigns , among others.
  • Color : When referring to marketing, color is used to stimulate the sensations that arise after advertising actions using the brain’s vision centers as receptors.
  • Vector : The use of geometric shapes to represent images digitally is called vector graphics . It deals with the transformation of ideas captured on paper or in a pixel file into a vector file on the computer.
  • Typography : Brands should have primary and secondary fonts , which function as a general rule on what typeface will be used for communication inside and outside the company.
  • Slogan : used to support the process of communicating with the public when the logo is not sufficient. In addition, the slogan serves as a complement to a marketing action.


It is the environment where sellers and consumers meet and make commercial exchanges.

In the past, this concept had a geographical connotation, but thanks to globalization and communications, it has lost this condition.

So, we can define it as the buying and selling actions associated with a product or service.


Through marketing, messages can be transmitted that promote products and services that the public needs and exchange actions can be generated.


In marketing, the environment is all the forces, whether internal or external, that in one way or another affect your company.

By understanding these elements, it is possible to establish effective communication processes with your audience and generate business opportunities.

There are also two subcategories of the environment:

1. Microenvironment

It is everything that, internally, generates influence in your company. It has a lot to do with the competitive factors that are totally controlled by those responsible for the business.

These microenvironments are:

  • the company itself;
  • suppliers;
  • target audience ;
  • customers;
  • direct and indirect competition;
  • intermediaries.

2. Macroenvironment

In this case we refer to the external factors that are part of marketing management .

That is, those actors over which you have no control, but, by adapting your strategy, you can use them to your advantage.

These are:

  • demographic environment;
  • national economic situation;
  • natural environment;
  • available technologies;
  • political-legal situation;
  • cultural environment.

To establish and execute marketing strategies, it is necessary to recognize and adapt them to both the micro and macro environment.

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There is no company without consumers. Therefore, within marketing, understanding the inherent and external aspects of the consumer is a necessity for any organization that wants to impact the market.

But what is the important thing to know about the consumer?

The first step is obviously to divide the market according to the segment or characteristics of your brand. Market segmentation consists of separating into groups the portions of the audience that meet certain criteria and behaviors.

Likewise, clearly understanding their needs allows you to adapt the offer of your products, services or channels and also to design effective communication processes to disseminate and position the products and the brand in the minds of consumers.

Furthermore, when we talk about segmentation and identifying needs in marketing, consumers fall into one of 3 groups:

Target audience

It brings together consumers through general characteristics regarding their purchasing habits or their needs for a product, service or brand. It groups them taking into account demographic criteria such as age, sex, socioeconomic level, among others.

Ideal client

Also known in marketing as the Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) , it focuses on the information provided by the target audience adapted to the sales processes. For example, marketing performance, commercial structure or capacity, market maturity, among others.

Buyer Persona

It is the result of statistical studies and the behavior of consumers that the company already has and that have been satisfied and loyal.

Through this semi-fictional character, it is possible to plan, approach and direct services and products according to specific client characteristics.

Buyer persona example: Andrés, Human Resources analyst, 27 years old, married, born in Mexico, interested in sports and animals, aims to become the director of his sector, etc.


Positioning in marketing consists of all the strategies and actions, whether through traditional or digital methods, to promote products and services or the brand to a segment or the general public.

This positioning can be done using one or several aspects within the 4P’s of marketing: price , place , product or promotion .


It is the process of creating and building your brand with the goal of making it better known and more desirable.

Branding doesn’t happen overnight, it happens through the actions of the brand. Doing a good job of branding is defining who you are and showing it to your consumer in different ways .

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Market segmentation

It is the process by which consumer groups are identified and divided into segments according to their different purchasing desires, requirements, characteristics, needs or preferences, mapped in a market research.

Market segmentation has great advantages:

  • allows for a clearer classification of the product being sold;
  • provides better service;
  • It provides a good image, exclusivity and category;
  • facilitates the promotion of advertising announcements;
  • ensures more sales;
  • reduces the costs of marketing actions;
  • inter alia.


It is the feeling that the customer can feel after purchasing the product or service acquired if it met their expectations.

Customer satisfaction is an important goal for companies as it helps them obtain loyal customers and recommend them to other buyers.

In addition, it is important to conduct satisfaction surveys to gain insight into the buyer’s opinion regarding the product or service they received and to gather the information necessary for future strategies that you can include in your marketing plan.


They are necessary to quantify and evaluate the trends, behaviors and results of any action, and to show the strategies that are contributing or not to a company’s results.

In addition, marketing metrics provide a basis for making future decisions, identify the weak and strong points of strategies, check existing flaws, suggest solutions, etc.


It is how the customer feels when browsing your website, your blog, reading your articles, using your application, going to your physical store, seeing your company’s advertisements, in other words, it is the feeling that your brand generates in them.

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