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What is the importance of marketing?

You already understood the central concept of what marketing is, but to fully understand the scope

that this discipline has in the real world, it is necessary to review the advantages or importance it has

for our society.

Generally, when people think about marketing, they believe that it is nothing more than a strategy to

promote products and services —and it actually does include that— but, at the same time, marketing

allows for the creation and generation of other favorable aspects for the company and the consumer.

Below we will list its main benefits:

1. Generate business opportunities

Finding and generating new business qatar telegram data opportunities is, in short, what any owner

or manager wants for their company. And this is an important part of the actions of the marketing


Furthermore, taking advantage of these opportunities is only possible when the company’s employees

are attentive to:

  • attract new and better audiences;
  • create products that meet the interests of potential customers;
  • take the brand’s message and products into unexplored territories;
  • improve the services offered, using marketing as a revolutionary resource to understand the needs of the public.

2. Satisfies consumer needs

Analysis is a crucial part of marketing entertainment programs for people processes. Studying data to

evaluate brand performance also allows you to know your audience in detail, something we briefly

mentioned in the previous point.

But you’re probably wondering how you can satisfy the consumer through marketing. And the answer

has to do with research and analysis of these aspects:

Demographic data

Knowing where your ideal customer find list comes from, their age and their income level, allows you

to determine which product or service is best suited to their needs. This, without a doubt, is a crucial

step in personalizing your campaigns and targeting them to the right segment.

Interaction with your products

When we talk about products, we refer to both the final products and services of your brand, as well

as digital products such as content, rich materials, podcasts , if applicable, of course.

Knowing what type of experience or information generates the most interest and/or satisfaction is

essential to understanding your audience.

3. Promotes technological advances and innovations

Customers and audiences increasingly demand and need more innovations that optimize aspects such

as their time and resources, as well as making their daily lives easier.

Marketing, since its inception, has sought to analyze key aspects of the market in order to offer highly

technological products and services, not only to surprise the public, but also to reduce costs.

Furthermore, innovation gives brands a competitive advantage . By getting there faster than others

and breaking through barriers that seemed impossible, new market realities can be created.

4. Transmits values, ideas and purposes

The days when companies only sold products and services are long gone. Marketing strategies have had to evolve in terms of their level of awareness and communication.

This discipline allows us to build a much stronger relationship with the customer than the one built by a product solely on its price or quality.

Nowadays, thanks to what is called Branding , brands are focused on delivering a message containing their values , ideas and purposes to their audiences. This is done in order to create bonds and generate trust.

Attracting customers is a fundamental part of the process, but retaining them is crucial to generating more business opportunities over time.

5. Increases business visibility

In the past, marketing was based on promoting brand attributes and products in traditional media . Although they were directed towards a mass audience, the results of the strategies did not always generate good dividends.

Fortunately, marketing has evolved alongside technology and new communication platforms , which has allowed it to take advantage of them to make brands more visible than ever.

These are some of the ways a brand can promote itself today:


One of the main platforms for gaining followers and potential customers, who are attracted thanks to content related to their interests, following Content Marketing strategies.

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Social networks

Unless you live in a cave, you know that social media is the most widely used Internet resource today by the general public to connect with their friends, colleagues, family, and favorite brands.

Mobile applications

Mobile phone traffic has already far surpassed that of traditional handsets, which represents a valuable opportunity to use marketing principles to promote a brand on these platforms.

6. Connect markets and consumers

This is a complement to the previous point, since through visibility tools within marketing it is possible to connect various markets with potential clients.

Every day new companies emerge with innovative components and services that need to impact a specific segment of the population and, on their own, could not reach them.

Thus, thanks to the design, structuring and implementation of marketing strategies, it is possible to connect different markets with ideal consumers.

This is how you can see the benefits and importance of marketing within the commercial activities that markets carry out day to day and that, without a doubt, could not function without it.

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