The 7 Most Common Mistakes People Make When Writing Email Subject Lines

The email subject line is the first thing your recipient sees, so it’s important to make a good impression. However, many people make common mistakes when writing email subject lines. Here are the 7 most common mistakes people make, and how to avoid them: 1. Using a generic subject line. A generic subject line is one that doesn’t give the recipient any information about what the email is about. For example, “Meeting” or “Ideas” are both generic subject lines. These subject lines are likely to be ignored, because they don’t tell the recipient anything about the importance of the email. To avoid this mistake, make sure your subject line is specific and descriptive. For example, instead of “Meeting,” you could write “Meeting to discuss new project.” This subject line tells the recipient what the meeting is about, so they’re more likely to open it. 2. Writing a long subject line. Email subject lines have a character limit of 60 characters, so it’s important to keep your subject line short and to the point.

Your subject line is too long

Will be cut off in some email clients, and the recipient may not see the whole thing. To avoid this mistake, keep your subject line to 60 characters or less. If you need to include more information, you can use the preheader text. The preheader text is the text that appears below the subject line in some email clients. 3. Using Shadow and Reflection all caps in the subject line. Writing in all caps is considered shouting, and it’s not a good way to start an email. When you write in all caps, it’s likely to annoy the recipient and make them less likely to open your email. To avoid this mistake, avoid using all caps in your subject line. If you want to emphasize a word or phrase, use italics or bold instead. 4. Using exclamation points in the subject line. Exclamation points can be used to express excitement or urgency, but they can also be overused. If you use too many exclamation points in your subject line, it can come across as spammy or unprofessional.

Shadow and Reflection

Spammy words in the subject line

There are certain words that are associated with spam, so it’s best to avoid using them in your subject line. These words include: Free Win Money Click here Act now Limite time offer If you use any of these words in your subject line, your email is more likely to be marke as spam. 6. Not using preheader text. The preheader text is the text that appears below the subject line in some email clients. It’s KHB Directory a great way to add more information about your email, and it can help to increase open rates. To use preheader text, simply add it to the body of your email, right below the subject line. The preheader text should be no more than 70 characters long. 7. Not optimizing for mobile. More and more people are using their mobile devices to check email.

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